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                EN CNEN
                COMPANY Profile


                To Find the Beauty in Motion Control with Technology & Intelligence

                Ningbo Physis Technology Co., Ltd. ( hereinafter referred to as Physis) was founded in 2001. Physis is a private holding group enterprise which is invested by Advanced Manufacturing Fund and Ningbo Hefeng Venture Capital Co., Ltd. Physis always devotes to innovation and industrialization of electrical drive technology, provides servo products and solutions for the field of motion control & energy conversion. After years of brand development and accumulation, Physis becomes a collectivized & innovative high-tech enterprise, which collects together R&D, manufacturing and sales, and has a numbers of domestic and overseas subsidiaries.

                In the globalization tendency of intelligent manufacture, Physis implements the strategic layout of the group internationalization gradually, established R&D centers in Europe and Ningbo, creating a technical team of more than 300 people with independent research and development capabilities, to communicate and interact regularly with the world-class scientific research institution & industry experts, which made Physis to hold on the lead of the servo system technology innovation. Integrate international market resources to lay out the global industrial chain, establish more than 10 domestic and foreign branches , form a marketing service network for the global market, and jointly promote industrial development.After years of R&D technology and production process breakthroughs, Until now, Physis has more than300 patents of which 70 are invention patents. Participate in the formulation of national and industry standards, and become the backbone of high-tech industry!

                With the mission of creating high-level motion control applications, Physis draws on the advantages of both China and the West, to introduce, invent, design in all directions, and produce innovation products efficiently. Main products include servo motors (UltractIII Series Servo Motor, Express Series Servo Motor, TK Series Direct Drive Servo Motor), servo drives (PH300 Series Servo Drive, AxN Series Servo Drive, AxN DC series Servo Drive), control system (OPEN series),new energy vehicle motors, new energy vehicle motor inverters and new energy vehicle electric powertrain. Physis is committed to promoting advanced intelligence power technology, and integrating it deeply into all fields of the industry. Its servo products and servo system solutions have been successfully applied to rubber and plastic machinery, packaging and printing machinery, wind power industry, industrial robots, CNC machine tools, new energy vehicles, textile printing and dyeing machinery, aerospace, rail transit, metal processing, energy technology, lithium battery equipment, air compressor equipment, medical equipment and many other industries. Moreover, Physis also provides domestic and foreign customers with wind driven generators, motor parts and components (magnetic steel, servo motor stators and rotors) and other related products.





                Technical Team




                +Invention Patent

                Physis insists on R&D technology diversification, especially having a leading technical advantages of high-power servo products. To meet the requirements of customers in different industries, it provides personalized solutions. Physis high-performance technical team perfects customization requirements into every stage of the products, realizing the advanced lean productivity, and providing first-class services for non-standard customization in addition to mass-standardized R&D and manufacturing!
                Physis believes that only promote constantly evolution of intelligence to achieve continuous progress of scientific, whih is the only way to realize better future for all humanity. With technology and Intelligence, to find the beauty in motion control, Physis has already set sail for a new long journey, the centenary of Physis, also will be the century of the rise of China intelligent manufacture, let the high-level motion control of Physis create new values for society!

                PRESIDENT SPEECH

                In 2001, Physis was established at Beilun. In 2020, Physis is closer than ever to achieving its great dream of becoming a leading brand in the motor industry.

                In a fleeting instant, twenty-two years have passed. It may not be long for a company, but it is not a short time for a growth high-tech enterprise with ambitious goals. A "perpetual motion motor" may never be created, but "perpetual technology" is not an extravagant hope. Physis originated in Italy, but developed in Ningbo, China, a thriving port city of the East. Through twenty-two years of technological transformation, innovation and development, All Physis people have gradually grasped the core technology and continued to expand its business. Now, Physis has become a group innovative high-tech enterprise with a number of holding subsidiaries at home and abroad, covering various fields of automation control, motion control and energy conversion.

                Physis always remains true to its original aspiration and struggles forward. Regardless of whether technology and trade barriers, or alienation of the globalization wave in the context of post-epidemic era, we are increasingly aware of the extreme importance of national technology and the development of the whole industry chain. Challenges are everywhere, but we have the vision of "To find the beauty in motion control with technology and intelligence" We have enterprising diligence and wisdom genes which were inherited from Ningbo people, so we will certainly be able to overcome all difficulties, and always keep pace with the development of European ( e.g. Italy ) science and technology, absorb it for innovation and transformation, and carry out a rapid development and growth in competition and cooperation.

                I hope that we will never forget our "Moral Charter" and uphold the values of "responsibility, innovation, openness, and sharing". We will always be committed to innovation and industrialization of electric drive technology, and provide servo products and solutions for the field of motion control & energy conversion. We adhere to the entrepreneurial philosophy of " choosing the best talents for competition", building a strong corporate culture of enabling capable people to advance and fulfil themselves, and making everyone become capable, so as to transform the company cohesion into driving force for company development, and make every Physis people take pride in be proud of industry incumbents.

                This is just the original aspiration of Physis people, and this is also the perpetual motion of Physis!