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                EN CNEN
                Employment Principles

                Facing the staff, Feishi adheres to the people-oriented self-cultivation heart, actively organizes the staff to carry out the reading club, the middle-aged and young cadres training class, etc., to cultivate learning talents; to carry out technical skills competition, to cultivate craftsman spirit, to establish labor model; to hold various cultural and sports activities, strengthen cooperation and exchange with foreign countries, and make continuous efforts to cultivate scientific and technological talents and promote social progress!

                Staff Development

                Physis provides comprehensive career development planning and training system for its employees, and strives to build a learning organization by a variety of training methods, such as on-the-job training, off-the-job training and further education; Excellent personnel will have opportunities to work and communicate with world-class technology companies

                Management Planning

                Professional Planning

                Compensation & Benefits
                Work Environment

                Harmonious and comfortable working atmosphere, Physis provides libraries, gyms, brainstorming areas to employees for cultivate learning ability.

                Staff Presence

                Various cultural and Sports activities, strengthening external cooperation and exchanges.