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                EN CNEN
                Variable Pitch Control System of Wind Turbine

                Low carbon and environmental protection have become the themes of global sustainable development, and effective production and utilization of clean energies have become hot topics around the world. Different countries in the world have proposed objectives, countermeasures and policies for energy conservation and carbon reduction. Wind power generation is an important means of realizing China’s “dual carbon goals” in the field of renewable energy resources. Pitch motor is a core component of the pitch system for wind power generation. Physis permanent magnet synchronous AC servo motors can be used on onshore and offshore turbines within the full power range. Since their mass production in 2011, they have been constantly promoting the industry to the limit by leading the industry. Now, with hundreds of thousands of pitch servo motors rotating with the wind turbines in the air, we have become a major pitch servo motor supplier in China.

                • 5 MW offshore wind turbine
                • 7 MW anti-typhoon offshore wind turbine
                • 10 MW offshore wind turbine
                • 18 MW offshore wind turbine

                In 2015, the first 5 MW offshore wind turbine in China that carries a Physis pitch motor was put into use at Shanghai Donghai Bridge Phase II project.

                In June 2020, many sets of 7 MW anti-typhoon offshore wind turbines with Physis pitch motors were used at the Phase II project of Xinghua Bay, Fujian. They were the turbines with the greatest unit capacity and largest impeller diameter within the medium to low speed range at that time in China.

                In July 2020, the first 10 MW offshore wind turbine in China that carries a Physis pitch motor was successfully connected to the grid for power generation at the Phase II offshore wind farm in Xinghua Bay, Fujian. The independently developed offshore wind turbine put into operation had a unit capacity ranking the first in Asia and the second around the world then, breaking the unit capacity record of offshore wind turbines in China.
                In September 2021, a 10 MW offshore wind turbine with a Physis pitch motor came off the production line in Zhuanghe, Dalian. It was then the one with the largest rotor diameter in China, and with the largest per unit swept area in the world.

                In January 2023, the first 18 MW offshore wind turbine in China that carries a Physis pitch motor was successfully developed in offshore wind power industrial park in Dongying Economic Development Zone, Shandong. It was the wind turbine with the greatest unit capacity and largest rotor diameter around the world at that time.

                Related Products
                • Express Series Servo Motor

                • Ultract ⅢSeries Servo Motor

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