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              1. <blockquote id='OZrAlc'><q id='OZrAlc'><noscript id='OZrAlc'></noscript><dt id='OZrAlc'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='OZrAlc'><i id='OZrAlc'></i>
                EN CNEN
                Physis Family
                Physis business around the world, headquartered in Ningbo, China, affiliated with branches, and subsidiaries in Beijing, Tianjin, Xi'an, Wuhan, Ningbo, Guangzhou, Ganzhou and other major cities in China, and a number of overseas subsidiaries in Europe and North America. Moreover, our raw material suppliers, high-end partners come from all over the world.

                · Physis Headquarters

                Address: No.308 Xiaogang Anju Road,Beilun Distirct, Ningbo China 315800

                · New Energy (Tianjin) Manufacturing Base

                Manufacture of inverters for electric vehicles .

                Address:Tianjin, China 300304

                · Physis Green Energy (Ganzhou) production base

                It covers an area of 52,000 square meters. The company is mainly engaged in the production and manufacturing of electric motors and powertrain systems for new energy vehicles. The investment of advanced production lines will further improve the manufacturing capacity of electric drive products for new energy vehicles, and it is expected to be completed in 2024.

                Address: No.1 Workshop, No. 12 Xijin 1st Road, Ganzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Ganxian District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province

                · Ningbo Manufacturing Base

                Covers an area of 72,000m2 and introduces advanced European production equipments to build world-class automatic production lines of servo motors and servo drives; achieves the intelligent, informatized, and traceable production process as a smart factory.

                Address:Ningbo China 315336

                · New Energy (Zhuzhou) Manufacturing Base

                Covers an area of 12,000 ㎡,Manufacture of motors, reducer and powertrain for electric vehicles.

                Address:Zhuzhou , China 412000

                · European R&D Center

                Mainly used for the introduction of high-end talents at home and abroad, the establishment of top - level laboratories, the development of cutting-edge basic technologies (including machine tools industry, electric vehicles industry, ect.) and R&D of application technologies.

                Address:Genoa, Italy

                ·Subsidiary in Italy

                OSAIcnc S.r.l was established in 1957, which is a world-renowned numerical control system company, committed to the development and sales of numerical control system products, to provide customers with professional, advanced, personalized numerical control systems.
                Physis completed the equity acquisition of OSAI cnc S.r.l in 2022, which became a holding subsidiary of Physis in Italy.

                Address: Turin, Italy

                · Sales and After-sales service of OSAI in United States

                Address: Wilmington, United States

                · Sales and After-sales service of OSAI in UK.

                Address: Milton Keynes,United Kingdom

                · Overseas Branches

                Collects together R&D,manufacturing and overseas sales,which is in charge of servo motors, servo drives, BLDC motors and motor parts.

                Address:Ningbo China 315336

                · Sales Subsidiaries

                Sales of servo products and solutions for the wind power and crystalline silicon industries.

                Address:Wuhan, China 430223

                · Sales Subsidiaries in Northwest

                Address:Xi'an China 710016

                · New Energy Technology R&D Center(Ningbo) Laboratory
                · New Energy (Ningbo) Manufacturing Base

                New Energy Technology R&D Center (Ningbo) Laboratory covers an area of 2500㎡, provided with 6 major functional test areas, and 13 laboratories in total, which has a complete test capability for all test items stipulated in GB18488 National Standard;
                The annual output of motors and powertrain for energy passenger vehicles can reach 300,000 units.

                Address: Ningbo China 315336

                · Beijing Subsidiary

                Focusing on the R&D, trial-manufacture and sales of electric drive systems for electric vehicles.

                Address:Beijing, China 100176