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                EN CNEN

                OPENconsole has been designed to meet many different application requirements. Its modules can be combined in order to create a customized interface suitable for wide-ranging machining processes and for CNC machine tools.

                COMPACTconsole TS2

                The complete panel COMPACTconsole TS2 consists of two modules - "Operator Panel" and "Keyboard" – incorporating a Monitor, Control Panel (functions buttons and potentiometers), Keyboard, Touchpad and USB port.COMPACTconsole TS2 is designed for panel mounting and includes:

                15” Touch Screen Monitor(1024 x 768)
                Customizable Control Panel (standard functions: 8 buttons to select the operation mode, Cycle Start, Hold, Reset plus 3 buttons for general functions)
                2 customizable rotary selectors (standard functions: spindle and cutting speed override)
                Emergency button kit
                Kit for 2 electromechanical elements (buttons, selectors etc.)
                1 USB port

                OPENconsole has been designed to meet many different application requirements. Its modules can be combined in order to create a customized interface suitable for wide-ranging machining processes and for CNC machine tools.

                17” or 19” Industrial Monitor with touchscreen
                Main control panel
                Control panel extension, customizable
                Keyboard with touch-pad or trackball
                Connecting element with USB port

                Light, easy to manage and with an ergonomic design, OPENwiTP is a reliable wireless remote control for CNC-machining centers. OPENwiTP performs the key functions required during machine setup giving the operator direct visual inspection of the area of the machine being controlled. OPENwiTP is SIL3-rated and IEC61508 certified. This one handed ergonomic terminal with a robust design ensures ease of use and safety even in harsh operational environments.The kit is made up of:

                Teach pendant operator console
                Recharge docking station with connectors
                base station to be installed in the cabinet and a cable for external antenna installation
                Industrial Monitors

                Complete line of industrial monitors for panel mounting, all equipped with a resistive touchscreen, a selection of digital input ports and comes in a solid and light metal frame.

                With a format ranging from 10.4” (resolution 800x600) up to 17” (resolution 1280x1024)
                these monitors suit are the perfect complement to OSAI CNC models (OPENsmart, OPENkey, OPENprime and OPENprime-i) for CNC or General Motion Control (GMC) applications.
                Industrial monitor with capacitive TS
                21.5” Industrial monitor with 16:9 10 points capacitive touch screen.
                Very high contrast ratio for very sharp images.
                Ergonomic fully flat surface with aluminum bezel.
                24VDC power supply and panel mounting method designed for industrial applications.
                Application industry
                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly