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                EN CNEN
                OPENcontrol CNC

                The numerical controls “OPENcontrol” family provides flexibility and high performance for various applications and material processing.

                A range of four Numerical Controls designed for maximum precision, flexibility and customization.Differences are determined by the performances in terms of block cycle time, minimum system tick, number of Processes and Axes, number of fieldbuses and devices used by specific configurations.

                · i4.0 ready

                · Up to 64 interpolated axes

                · Up to 24 managed processes

                · Fieldbus: EtherCAT, CANopen, Mechatrolink II & III

                · TCP and High Speed Cutting

                · Cross and volumetric compensation

                · Multi-axis electronic CAM

                · Powerful integrated PLC

                OPENsmart entry-level platform

                Up to 8 Interp. axes
                Up to 16 total axes
                Up to 2 processes
                Min tick 2 mSec.
                OPENkey advanced application platform

                Up to 16 interp. axes
                Up to 24 total axes
                Up to 4 processes
                Min tick 1 m Sec.
                OPENprime-i and OPENprime

                A top-of-the-line solution for developing heavy and time-critical applications with computing power for multi-axis and multi-process machining centers.

                Up to 64 interp. axes
                Up to 64 total axes
                Up to 24 processes
                Min tick 500 microSec.
                OPENone high-end entry-level CNC integrated solution

                New compact modular entry level numerical control system.

                A solution that revolutionizes current architectures while maintaining full compatibility with the other products of the OPENcontrol family.
                The modular structure of the real-time software has been migrated to the ARM platform with O.S. Linux.
                The result is a highly customizable CNC with an exceptional price-performance ratio.

                Application industry
                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly