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                EN CNEN

                The Physis electric vehicle reducer adopts three axes and two stages of gear reduction. By adjusting the gasket to control the clearance of three axes, the power of the driving motor is transferred to the wheel quietly and efficiently. The input/output Angle can be adjusted according to the specific model, and the differential can be customized to meet the interface requirements. It is suitable for 1.0T~1.8T pure electric passenger cars.

                Low noise
                Machining gears by grinding and honing, This provides the gearbox better NVH behavior and lower abnormal frequency risk;
                Three axes adopt adjusting gasket to control axial clearance to avoid impact noise in energy recovery condition of pure electric vehicle.
                High efficiency
                The lower gear slide/roll ratio provides the gearbox higher transfer efficiency.
                Small size
                Compact structure, light weight.
                Application industry
                • reducerG115.jpg
                • reducerG130.jpg
                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly