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                EN CNEN
                Service Guarantee
                Pre-sales advisory

                timely response from online customer service to meet your needs.

                Tailored design

                Starting from the communication of customized requirements, a professional technical team is on hand at every stage of the product's life, ranging from electromagnetic design - customer drawings - production drawings - DFMEA - BOM - ECO - technical reviews - process plans - PFMEA - after-sales reviews.


                A free and rapid product repair or replacement service is provided during the warranty period.


                tele-parameter setting and commissioning, as well as after-sales tele-diagnosis for timely disposal of problems.


                Response and guidance from after-sales technical engineers within 24 hours.

                Global service

                Provide professional technical support and services to customers around the world.

                On-site service

                Regular trainings and discussions on product application and installation at customer sites.

                Service Process