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                EN CNEN
                AxN-DC Series
                Common DC Bus Multi Axis Driver

                l Rectifier Unit: 0~500Vac,Rated power 80kW, support parallel connection of rectifier modules

                l Inverter Unit: 0~800Vdc,Rated power 11~200KW

                l Bus Interface: EtherCAT, CANopen, EthPMC

                l Encoder Support: Endat, Hiperface, Sincos, Hall, Resolver, Nikon, Tamagawa

                l Cooling Methods: Fan cooling, water cooling, and oil cooling

                l Installation Method: cabinet installation, wall-through installation, baseplate installation

                Built-in PLC (IEC6113103 standard language)
                Programmable: Five kinds of PLC programming languages can be used for secondary development, compliant to IEC61131-3 standard.
                Integration: PLC is integrated in control card, eliminating the need for an external PLC controller, saving space and cost.
                Faster Speed: Drive is directly controlled by the internal PLC and executes faster.
                Self-developed EthPMC Internal Bus
                Based on Ethernet Technology: Hard real-time, flexible topology.
                Support Interactive Communication: Realize direct data communication between master station, slave station, slave station and slave station in each synchronization cycle.
                Stable Communication Regulation : Cycle time is 125μs, transmission delay is less than 2μs, and synchronous clock jitter is
                High-precision Control Loop
                Current Loop Sampling Cycle Time: 1μs
                Speed Loop Sampling Cycle Time: 125μs
                Position Loop Sampling Cycle Time: 125μs (adopts new high-performance voltage control algorithm, up to 10 times deep field weakening
                Energy Saving
                Multi-axis system energy interoperability, improve efficiency
                Save Space
                Smaller size , more compact, distributed DC bus connection
                Save Devices
                Only need one set of resistors, filters, input cables
                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly