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              1. <blockquote id='eMoL2Q'><q id='eMoL2Q'><noscript id='eMoL2Q'></noscript><dt id='eMoL2Q'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='eMoL2Q'><i id='eMoL2Q'></i>
                EN CNEN
                3-in-1 power train
                Peak power range:40~200KW
                Peak torque range:110~350Nm
                Peak speed range:≥16000rpm
                System maximum efficiency:>93.5%
                Cooling method: water cooling, oil cooling
                Speed ratio range: 10~12
                Voltage range: medium and low voltage battery platform (300~500VDC)
                3-in-1 power train
                Peak power range:100~150KW
                Peak torque range:1100~4000Nm(含1级、2级减速)
                Peak speed range:9000~16000 rpm
                System maximum efficiency:>93.5%
                Cooling method: Water cooling
                Speed ratio range: 10~12
                Voltage range: 300~600Vdc
                High, small, light, low
                Motor, reducer and controller are highly integrated, motor and reducer common end cover, smaller volume. The stator end is short, the copper consumption is lower, the overall weight is lighter.
                High power density and torque density
                Flat copper wire three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor, hair card type bronze layout, higher slot full rate, low groove torque and torque ripple, motor efficiency is higher. Single solder joint, reduce winding hot spot
                Excellent heat dissipation performance
                The internal structure of the motor design is more compact, the contact area between the flat copper wire is large, the winding and the iron core groove contact is better, and the heat dissipation area is increased. Can choose water cooling or oil cooling two cooling methods, cooling efficiency is higher.
                Low noise
                Flat wire motor wire stress, armature stiffness is better, can effectively suppress armature noise.
                Notch size is small, reduce groove torque, further reduce motor noise.
                Flexible customization
                The power module of the controller can be SiC or double-sided water-cooled package module, HPD module, power module 820A or 950A IGBT optional.
                Reducer (P gear optional) a variety of different speed ratios can be selected, shaft tooth NVH effect to reach the industry advanced level.
                Class 3+ on-load EMC
                Equipped with Class 3+ on-load EMC, excellent anti-interference performance.
                Application industry
                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly