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                EN CNEN

                As the manufacturing industry enters the era of industry 4.0, such labor-intensive industries as the textile industry are gradually becoming automated and intelligent. Improvement of the spinning machinery automation technologies is the basis for transformation and upgrading of the textile industry.

                Program overview

                At present, Physis servo motor programs have been successfullyimplemented on certain cards and lapping machines. The products cover suchspinning machines as combing machines, fly frames, spinning frames, drawingframes and twisting frames, as well as such weaving machines as shuttleless looms,and printing and dyeing machines.

                • China's famous textile machinery enterprises

                A textile machinery brand in Qingdao has independently developed and manufactured industry-leading spinning machines, and has achieved a great market share in China. The products have been exported to the US, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Brazil, India, and various other regions and countries. Multiple types of Physis motors are used on the spinning machines, contributing to their stable and reliable operation, and extremely low failure rate.




                Carding machine

                Servo motor


                Delivery speed: ≤150 m/min


                Overall and mutual synchronization

                Lapping machine

                Servo motor


                Feed rate: ≤90 m/min


                Multi-point control of lapping rate


                Synchronous interaction



                Related Products
                • Ultract ⅢSeries Servo Motor

                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly