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                EN CNEN
                AxN Series
                New Digital Servo Drive

                l Rated power:2.2kW~110kW

                l Three-phase input voltage:0~500Vac

                l Encoder Support:Endat、Hiperface、Sincos、Hall、Resolver、Nikon、Tamagawa

                l Cooling Methods: Fan cooling, water cooling, and oil cooling

                l Bus Interface: Modbus、CANopen、EtherCAT

                l Installation Method: cabinet installation, wall-through installation, baseplate installation

                Built-in PLC (IEC6113103 standard language)
                Programmable: Five kinds of PLC programming languages can be used for secondary development, compliant to IEC61131-3 standard.
                Integration: PLC is integrated in control card, eliminating the need for an external PLC controller, saving space and cost.
                Faster Speed: Drive is directly controlled by the internal PLC and executes
                High speed current loop control
                Current loop cycle: 1μs (refresh frequency 1000kHz), real-time, high response controlHigh precision driver torque compensation technology is adopted to reduce torque fluctuation of large torque and low speed motor. Torque fluctuation is ±1% at 2rpm.
                High speed current loop control
                Current loop cycle: 1μs (refresh frequency 1000kHz), real-time, high response controlHigh precision driver torque compensation technology is adopted to reduce torque fluctuation of large torque and low speed motor. Torque fluctuation is ±1% at 2rpm.
                Position and speed double loop parallel control
                With position and speed curve, improve speed response characteristicsSupport a variety of high precision encoders and double encoders full closed-loop control, to achieve high response, high precision position and speed control of the servo system.
                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly