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                EN CNEN
                I/O Module

                The I/O module has EtherCAT interface. It is designed and manufactured for communication and process control. It is suitable for automation industrial application.

                OPENrio SL

                OPENrio SL is a modular automation system for assembly on a 35mm mounting rail. The wiring complexity is low because the 24VDC supply of the power section is integrated in the backplane bus and defective modules may be replaced without rewiring.OPENrio SL system is made up of:

                EtherCAT Bus coupler
                Peripheral modules like digital and analog I/O
                Relay output module
                PWM output module
                Encoder input module
                Digital Bridge Unit

                The bridge module is an EtherCAT slave composed of an EtherCAT interface and one or two Digital I/O boards. The EtherCAT Interface comes in two versions, “Analog” and “Pulse & Direction”.

                4 x 12 bit analog inputs
                7 x 16 bit analog outputs => only 1 output in the version “Pulse & Direction” (for the spindle)
                6 x ABZ encoder channels
                1 x handwheel (without broken wire error on Z) or ABZ encoder (with broken wire error on Z)
                6 x Pulse & Direction outputs at RS422 level (“Pulse & Direction” version only)
                Application industry
                Advisory Message
                Please fill out the form, our sales engineer will contact you shortly