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                EN CNEN

                Breaking Down Barriers. The First in China. - Physis Ultra-high Torque Density Permanent Magnet Direct-Drive TH Series Will Enter the Market of 9000m~12000m Large Top-Drive Device for Ultra-deep Drilling for the First Time


                On the morning of April 27th, Li Xianyi, General Manager of CNPC Beijing Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd. (BPMC), and Chen Yesheng, Deputy General Manager, and his party went to Physis Beilun Headquarters “Perpetual Valley” to witness the delivery of the first 9000m ultra-high torque density permanent magnet direct-drive in China. In 2021, BPMC and Physis signed a strategic cooperation agreement for the joint development of 9000m and 12000m permanent magnet direct-drive for large top-drive devices for ultra-deep drilling.

                Ren Wenjie, President of the Company, accompanied Mr. Li and his party to visit the trial-production workshop of Beilun Headquarters, and got a deep understanding of the production process and performance characteristics of ultra-high torque density TH1150 permanent magnet direct-drive for 9000m top-drive drilling device.

                The successful development of ultra-high torque density TH1150 permanent magnet direct-drive for 9000m top-drive drilling device fully demonstrates Physis’s professional ability in ultra-high torque density electromagnetic design, thermal management and process management. The product is designed with special flat copper wire and extremely high slot filling factor structure. The stator is designed with epoxy potting and water cooling structure to ensure insulation grade and heat transfer efficiency, and the rotor is designed with high heat-resistant permanent magnet materials and carbon fiber tube protection to ensure that the permanent magnet materials are fully protected under the premise of meeting the performance. TH1150 achieves a rated output of 85000Nm in a volume of about 1 cubic meter, with an efficiency of 96% at low speed and a saturation torque of 160000Nm.

                The application of permanent magnet direct-drive top drive products will greatly simplify and strengthen the original top-drive structure, reduce noise, save the workload of top drive maintenance and greatly improve efficiency.

                Cheng Rui, President of our strategic partner Beijing Rachel Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., Dong Yi, Director of Physis, and Xu Chenxia, Head of Large Transmission Business, accompanied the delivery ceremony.