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                EN CNEN

                Good News! Physis has Passed the ISO 26262:2018 Automotive Functional Safety ASIL D Process Certification


                In May, 2023, the issuing ceremony of functional safety process certification certificate was held in Physis New Energy Technology Tianjin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Physis Tianjin”). Qin Xingquan, Director of Physis Tianjin, Yang Jiguang, regional manager of north area of Automobile Service Department of SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SGS”) and other leaders attended the event.

                (Group photo of both sides)

                Functional safety is the most important thing in the development of today’s automobile industry, especially for the new energy automobile industry and the autonomous driving industry. Automobile safety is not only an important issue that consumers care about, but an issue that the whole industry attaches great importance to now. With the development of electronic control technology, safety become more and more noticeable. In line with the principle of being responsible to clients and consumers, Physis has been committed to improving the construction of safety process system, and has always required every R&D personnel of the company to abide by the principle of safety first and quality first.

                Qin Xingquan, Director of Physis Tianjin, said that since the establishment of the company, Physis Tianjin has always put product safety first, and regarded the process system as the basis of development, firmly believing that only a solid foundation can achieve higher quality development. At the same time, he also believed that the successful passing of the functional safety process certification of Physis Tianjin cannot be separated from the efforts of every colleague of Physis, the strong support of the company, and the professional guidance and high recognition given by SGS. He also emphasized that we should thoroughly implement the concept of functional safety forever.

                Liang Rui, head of Product Development Department of Physis Tianjin, said that functional safety is a very important guarantee in the development of motor controllers. Only with safe and high-quality products can we be competitive in the market. He also believed that entrusting the task of building a functional safety process system to the Product Development Department was the company’s high trust in our work, and we also fulfilled this task with high quality, which indicates that our company has reached the international leading level in functional safety development and management, and it is also of great significance for us to explore overseas markets.

                (Physis has obtained the ISO 26262:2018 Functional Safety ASILD Process Certification from SGS)

                After several months’ efforts, the colleagues in the Product Development Department finally improved the functional safety process system and successfully passed the strict process certification of SGS , which also marked that Physis has stepped onto a new step in the field of electric drive products.

                (Group photo of functional safety process system construction team of Product Development Department)

                Physis Tianjin has always believed that only products with high quality and high reliability can make us stand out in today’s fierce competition. We will always take the development of safer and more reliable products as our pursuit, and practice the values of “responsibility, innovation, openness and sharing” with practical actions.