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                EN CNEN

                Physis Technology and L.K. Group Jointly Unveiled at the “2023 Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo”


                On June 20th, “2023DMP Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo” was grandly opened in Hongkong. At the invitation of L.K. Group, Physis and L.K. Group made a joint presence at the 2023 Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo.

                With more than ten years of in-depth cooperation with L.K. Group, Physis’s servo products are applied to the die casting machine and injection molding machine of L.K. Group. Over the years, the two sides have promoted together for mutual development. From the world’s first 6000T die-casting unit in 2019 to the wold’s first 12000T super intelligent die-casting unit in 2022 launched by L.K. Group, Physis’s servo products have been continuously innovated and broken through with L.K., making die-casting enter a new era of 10,000t.

                Driven by the downstream automobile, communication equipment manufacturing, railway locomotive and general equipment manufacturing industries, the die casting machine has developed rapidly. Based on the development needs of the downstream industry and with advanced R&D technology and cost-effective product advantages, Physis has provided a servo scheme of “more stable”, “more efficient”, “more durable”, “more environmentally friendly” and “lower noise” for the transformation and upgrading of traditional die casting machine enterprises, achieving a generally 50% energy saving rate of die casting machine.

                (Explanation of the practical application of hydraulic servo scheme in industrial field)

                Physis not only has mature applications in the industrial field, but brought a new energy vehicle flat wire three-in-one powertrain product independently developed and manufactured this time. Since 2016, Physis has been laying out the electric drive system for new energy vehicles, and has set up a number of companies in Beijing, Ningbo, Tianjin, Zhuzhou and other places, focusing on the design, development and manufacturing of electric drive systems for new energy vehicles.

                In recent years, Physis Technology has focused on the basic research of advanced motor systems, the design of energy-efficient motors, the integrated manufacturing technology of advanced control technology and drive system, and the verification of engineering application, and carried out research and industrial application of key technologies common to the industry.

                The flowing waves go with the moon and the tide water comes with the stars. With the progress of science and technology and the development of industry and society, only by continuous innovation can we stand on the tide and march forward. In the future, Physis Technology will continue to rely on its strong R&D strength, system solution capability and R&D achievement transformation capability, improve its technical capability and innovation level, cultivate and expand new business areas, enhance the core competitiveness of products, consolidate its dominant position and contribute to the development of the industry.