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                EN CNEN

                Physis Became One of the First Members of the Newly Formed Ningbo New Energy Vehicle Research Association


                Recently, the Ningbo New Energy Vehicle Research Association was officially unveiled. As a leader in the field of motion control, Physis became one of the first members of the Association.

                Physis owns more than 30 utility model patents and a number of core technologies in the field of new energy vehicles, such as high-integration integrated electric drive technology for new energy vehicles, high-efficiency controller technology for new energy vehicles based on dual-sided water-cooling module, and high-performance drive motor technology for new energy vehicles; Physis and its subsidiaries have also undertaken major scientific research projects such as “R & D and Application of High Energy Efficiency and High Power Density Permanent Magnet Motors for New Energy Vehicles” and “R & D and Application of AC Permanent Magnet Servo Motors for New Energy Vehicles”, etc.

                As one of the first companies entered the servo motor industry in China, through 20 years of continuous development and accumulation, Physis has continuously cultivated and expanded new business fields while consolidating existing advantageous ones. It is one of the few companies in the industry with relatively complete overall solutions and products, and has successfully launched system products and comprehensive solutions in multi-industry application fields. Since 2016, Physis has tapped into the new energy vehicle business, and developed new energy vehicle motor products with the technology accumulated in the motion control system industry; In 2019, with the increasingly close partnership with BAIC BJEV, Physis became one of the core suppliers of BAIC BJEV passenger vehicle motor products and began to supply in bulk; Since 2020, Physis has gradually established partnerships with clients in the new energy passenger vehicle field and new energy commercial vehicle field such as HOZON AUTO. In addition, in order to further enhance the company’s competitiveness and meet clients’ requirements for the integration of new energy vehicle electric drive system products, Physis launched new energy vehicle powertrain products to continuously enhance its core competitiveness.

                The automobile industry is the pillar industry in Ningbo. Ningbo New Energy Vehicle Research Association will take building a city of new energy vehicle as the goal, strengthen research and consulting services, and focus on industry, policy, technology and market to give full play to experts’ advantages and provide think tank support for the development of new energy vehicle industry in Ningbo. At the same time, the Association will also promote cooperation between leading enterprises and upstream and downstream enterprises, build platforms and link resources to boost cooperation in industrial chain, supply chain, innovation chain and talent chain. Physis will take this opportunity to increase R&D investment in the field of new energy vehicles, enhance technological innovation capability, actively promote the drive motor and powertrain projects of new energy vehicles, further explore the market and seek new paths for the development of new energy vehicle industry.