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                EN CNEN

                Physis Permanent Direct Drive Motor Convoys the Coal Mining Industry


                From August 5th to 7th, Mr. Dong Yi, Director of Physis, and Dr. Li Qingxu, President of Zhejiang Electric Drive Innovation Center were invited to participate in the “2023 China International Emergency Rescue Expo & Coal Mine Intelligent Construction and Safety Development Forum”. The Expo was hosted by China North Industries Corporation and co-organized by Department of Emergency Management of Shanxi Province. As the main co-organizer of the event, Physis promotes the application of new technologies and the intelligent development in the coal mine industry.

                Focusing on the emergency response work idea of “Overall Emergency Response, Safety and Disaster Mitigation”, the event aimed to promote the intelligent, green, safe and efficient development of mining enterprises. At this event, which was attended by major domestic energy units, industry experts and scholars, Dr. Li Qingxu from Zhejiang Electric Drive Innovation Center delivered a speech with the theme of “Application and Development Trend of Permanent Magnet Direct Drive Technology in Mine Intelligent Construction”.

                Based on the R&D capability and application experience in the field of permanent magnet direct driver in the past 20 years, as well as the practical achievements in the coal industry in recent years, Physis formed the Large Transmission Division, building a professional team actively engaged in product R&D, application and service for the coal mine industry. During the event, Physis had in-depth exchanges with academicians of various units and industry experts and was widely recognized, and reached a cooperation plan with China Coal Group Shanxi Branch on 500kW/1140V and 800kW/1140V permanent magnet direct drive integrated machines; Meanwhile, Physis also reached a sales agreement with Baotou Linhaiyuan Technology Co., Ltd. on the use of 500kW/1140V permanent magnet direct driver in the mining companies under the CHN ENERGY, representing a sales breakthrough for Physis in the coal industry.