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                EN CNEN

                Physis and SIMPAC signed a MOU to Jointly Promote Industry Collaboration for Win-win Development


                On August 29, Ningbo Physis Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Physis) and SIMPAC INC (hereinafter referred to as SIMPAC) from South Korea held a MOU cooperation agreement signing ceremony in Incheon, South Korea. In the presence of both parties, Ding Yahong, Deputy General Manager of Physis and General Manager of International Business Group, and Mr. Kim Wookyung, Head and Purchasing Director of SIMPAC Punch Division, signed the MOU cooperation agreement on behalf of both parties.

                This signing is the cornerstone of deepening future exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. Physis and SIMPAC will give full play to their respective advantages, work together to develop the servo punch market, meet the diversified needs of customers by continuously improving the technical level and optimizing products and services, jointly promoting the cooperative and win-win development of the automation equipment industry.

                In recent years, Physis has achieved high efficiency, energy savings, and import substitution in high-end industrial automation fields through superior electric drive technology and continuous customization. Its products are utilized in various industries including high-end machine tools, high-precision astronomical telescopes, direct-drive top drives, and coal mine belt conveyors.

                The cooperation between Physis and SIMPAC has opened up new possibilities for the application of Physis motor in large-tonnage and high-precision servo metal forming industry. In the future, both sides will work together to create a new situation of high-quality development by drawing on their respective expertise, with a focus on innovation and commitment to the principles of long-term mutual benefit and development.

                About SIMPACWith over 40 years of experience, SIMPAC is a top metal forming tech company in Korea and a leading press manufacturer worldwide. SIMPAC serves customers in various metalworking industries, such as automotive manufacturers and suppliers, household appliance and product manufacturers, furniture and electronics companies, and aerospace industries. It also offers a wide array of products, such as mechanical and hydraulic presses, servo presses, tandem production lines, and automation solutions.